Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bright Hub kicked me to the curb

I guess yesterday was one of those days. I was feeling pretty good about the writing life: A story I wrote for a legal trade magazine in Chicago was finally complete, accepted and invoiced. My first assignment for the Ad Astra content-writing site was just about done. And the real estate magazine I edit was wrapping up production with no real problems, a minor miracle.

Then I got the message from Bright Hub. It soured my day.

In case you don't know, Bright Hub is a content site that focuses, more or less, on technology. I'd applied to be a writer in the site's Environmental Science division. Yesterday, I received the message that my application was denied.

I have to admit, this ruffled my feathers a bit. Maybe it shouldn't have. I mean, Bright Hub pays a whopping $10 upfront payment for stories. But I've written for the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, BusinessWeek online, Business 2.0 Magazine and several others. I edit two trade magazines. And I write content stories for a regular client list of about 10.

Yet Bright Hub and its $10 stories are too good for me?

Yes, I know this post probably sounds a bit pompous. Bright Hub has no obligation to take me. And maybe the editors there didn't think I fit their site's writing style.

But, man, when you get turned for a $10-a-story job? That hurts.


  1. Maybe they are intimidated by your writing skillz. Or maybe your nunchuck skillz.

  2. Well, I'm still looking for anyone who is intimidated by my writing skills. Perhaps I should have applied to the nunchuck section of Bright Hub.
