Monday, June 1, 2009

Why doesn't Twitter help me?

I know everyone seems to love Twitter. It's one of those things that has caught fire.

Fine. But I want to know one thing: Has anyone reading this blog ever found a job from Twitter? Has anyone reading this blog seen the number of visits to their own blogs jump significantly thanks to Twitter?

I sure haven't been able to accomplish either of these tasks.

I'm not complaining too much. I do use Twitter a bit. But it too often seems like a jumble of random thoughts that have nothing to do with anything important. It's nice to know, I suppose, that Greg77 just had a sandwich and some milk. But really, I'd rather hear that EditorFred is looking for writers.

Maybe I expect too much from Twitter? Maybe it is just supposed to be a fun little tool for gabbing with friends you don't like enough to call on the phone.

What about you? Has Twitter ever helped you as a writer?


  1. The best way to look at Twitter is as an alternate communication stream that's incredibly popular and instantly gratifying.

    I have to admit, I've had a much more intimate glimpse into certain writer's lives (i.e. Neil Gaiman) because of Twitter, but it's only because they've committed to using it constantly.

    If you were hooked up to an editor's Twitter, there is the possibility that they would solicit work, but it depends on how they use it since there's no real defined set of rules.

    For me the same could be said of LinkedIn, for as popular as it is with business-types I have yet to get any solid leads from it. As with most Internet technologies, YMMV.

  2. Hi, Gabriel:

    That's a good way to look at Twitter. I've found the same thing with LinkedIn, by the way. I've never really gotten much out of the, admittedly, limited effort I've put into it.

    Sometimes it just seems as if there aren't enough hours in the day.


  3. I've just started using it and so far have made a few contacts. It's simply a case of helping people and then hoping they might be interested in getting you to write for them. So far, I haven't actually gotten any work, but I definitely have some interest.

    I had about 300 hits on my article about Susan Boyle, so as far as hits go, that was pretty good. No follow on business from that, but it got my blog out there. Perhaps someone will come back again - once I find the time to post again! :S

    Perhaps if you start blogging about other things as well as copywriting? I'm guessing you might only attract more copywriters to this blog, rather than clients?

    I'd also suggest following @MarkShaw or @NikkiPilkington. They post about using Twitter for business.

    Hope that helps!

  4. Thanks, Tannice:

    Getting 300 hits on one post is a great accomplishment. I do blog about other topics -- this is just one of my blogs -- but I haven't really found much success promoting any of them through Twitter.

    Oh, well. I'll keep at it, though.


  5. I don't know about Blogger blogs, but there are plugins for Wordpress blogs that automatically post to your Twitter account with the title of your latest post and a link to it.

    There's also another plugin that makes customized short URL's (like but with your blog's URL instead. Supposedly good for SEO and all that other web voodoo.

    There's got to be a Blogger equivalent.
